Genre: Psychological Thriller
Title: Re-living a nightmare.
Synopsis: A psychotic male plays mind games on a young female who never noticed him, to get his so called revenge, he plays games that are going to ruin her life, the way he thinks she has to his, although she actually never had any input in the first place.
Characters: Innocent Young Girl.
Psychotic Male fixated on the young innocent girl.
Mise-en-scene –
Victim - Pale skin, Natural which adds to the sense of vulnerability.
Psychotic male – Tall, Muscular to show that he is dominant.
Victim- Light colour clothing, Possible a white top as it is a convention of purity which will emphasize the fact that she is an innocent victim.
Psychotic male – Dark clothing to represent himself as a dark twisted person.
Location: Dark unclear setting of where she is in the flash forward. Contrast back into present time events its light which creates a binary opposition (Light Vs Dark).
Camera angles: Always show the innocent girl to the right of the frame which emphasizes that fact that she is weak and in superior to the male who will be shown on the left on the screen. However when she challenges him on his thinking she will be shown neutral in the middle of the screen because however she is still in superior she tries to fight back but doesn’t go farer enough so she doesn’t reach the left side of the frame.
First scene: With a flash forward to the end of the film, it gives a taste of the ending but not giving it all away and keeps the audience in suspense of what’s going to happen and query how she got here in the first place therefore goes to the beginning for the back-story (the history behind the situation extant at the start of the main story). This deepens the psychological aspect of the story since the reader is able to more fully understand the character; more specifically, what the character's motivations are and how his past has shaped his current cognitive perceptions. The Psychotic male plays games to ruin her life and destroy it so that in the end he will have to kill her because there will be no life to go back to. It then rewinds with a sequence of clips of what’s happened without giving anything away. It finally reaches the beginning of the film where she has woken up to what she thinks is a nightmare but however she does not know that is what faces her in the future. The final clip will feature him to let the audience know that is what is going to happen in the future.
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